

#1: Best Pizzeria in Thailand 2024
#2: 7th 50 Top Pizza Asia
#3: Best Fried Food 2024 Il Fritturista Oleificio Zucchi Award

What an incredible day! What a magnificent event! Our hard work has truly paid off, as we have once again been crowned the Best Pizzeria in Thailand for 2024!

Congratulations are in order for our fellow pizzerias from Thailand:
– Mazzie, ranked as the 10th best Pizzeria in Asia 2024
– L’Olivia, honored as the 21st best Pizzeria in Asia 2024
– Five Olive from Phuket, securing the 34th spot for the best Pizzeria in Asia 2024
– Marni, recognized as the 38th Best Pizzeria in Asia 2024

We are immensely proud to be part of Thailand’s vibrant pizza community, contributing to putting Thailand on the map as one of the premier pizza destinations in Asia and the world.

The year has kicked off with tremendous success, marked by the exciting launch of new branches in Sathorn: Massilia @ Kenn’s & Co, and in Jakarta.

Heartfelt thanks go out to every member of the Massilia family, whose dedication and hard work bring joy to your taste buds every day. And a special thank you to our loyal customers, who continue to support us by coming to our establishment to enjoy authentic Italian cuisine.